Commercial Pest Control Surrey

5 Common Businesses That Need Regular Pest Control Services

Think your business is safe from pests? You can think again. Rat populations are skyrocketing in Canada. Longer summers and…

5 years ago

Pest Control for Commercial Kitchens and Restaurants

If you run a commercial kitchen and want to keep in line with BC law then you'll need to ensure…

5 years ago

Downtown Surrey Whalley City Centre

Surrey downtown is located in the Whalley area, V3T postal area, home to city civic office buildings and city centre,…

6 years ago

Pest Control Solutions For Your Commercial Building

Being pestered by unwanted visitors of the small, bug-like, or furry variety in your commercial building like hotels, office building,…

6 years ago

An insight into commercial pest control

A little pest can be a big nuisance in the workplace, not to mention embarassing if a customer notices. Your…

9 years ago