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Flies Pest Control

Drain fly:

Also known as, sewer flies, moth flies or filter flies.These flies are commonlydrain_fly noticed around drains, but they should not be confused with the Fruit fly, Phorid fly, or Sphaerocierid fly which also infest drians. Drain fly always prefer to breed in sewage contaminated drains. septic tanks, sewers and soil.

Drain flies are usually black, but may be brown. They complete their life cycle between 10-27 days (egg, larvae. pupae and adults) in optimum condition. The drain fly is a poor flyer and may be commonly seen walking or climbing on walls and other resting surfaces. When they fly in short jerky lines, they fly for only a few feet.

During the day the drain fly adult rests in shaded areas or on walls near plumbing fixtures or on the sides of tubs and showers. Most of the activity of the drain fly occurs during the evening. They may be seen hovering around the sink areas in your home at this time. Please contact us to get rid of drain flies in a professional way.


  • No water should be left behind the refrigerator in the kitchen or dishwashers. If you find stagnant water in certain places it becomes a breeding place for drain flies.
  • Provide proper ventilation in stuffy places. Do not allow water to stand in bathrooms to avoid drain flie. Open the windows and doors in your bathrooms. Warm humid areas are ideal for drain flies. If you get rid of all the moisture you will eliminate the drain flies breeding grounds.
  • Make sure that drains are clean and not blocked.
  • If drain flies are present in certain places, clean that area properly with the help of sanitizer. Wipe down walls, countertops and furniture that they might have landed on with some kind of sanitizer.
  • Clean floor drains with the help of hot water and bleach. This will prevent breeding of drain flies.
  • Keep your house and surrounding clean to prevent any drain fly from roaming around.
  • The best prevention you can use against drain flies is to regularly clean and flush all of the drains with very hot water and then follow up with a bleach treatment.

Fruit flies:

Fruit flies can be identified with its bright red eyes with light yellow bodyfruit fly color. These flies can be found all over the world, in homes, food processing plants, warehouses, grocery stores, wineries, restaurants and other structures commonly. With the end of the summer season, many homeowners often encounter fruit flies in and about their kitchens and near garbage storage areas. They are generally found hovering around decaying vegetation and overripe fruit. Fruit flies most often are found hovering around overly ripe fruit. Fermenting materials, such as leftover beer or soft drinks, also are a favorite food of these flies.

Life Cycle:

Fruit fly complete its life cycle from eggs to adult in 8-14 days. Because it frequents such unsanitary areas, it could potentially carry disease-causing bacteria onto food products. Please contact us to get rid of fruit flies in a professional way. We provide complete Flies Pest Control.


  • Fruit flies have a life span of 10 giving way for fermenting, organic material in which they may lay eggs. Remove all the food sources that attract flies. Wash all dishes, launder the dishrags or wash them properly with soap, rinse them and wring them dry before hanging them up.
  • Keep your house clean and throw away rotten fruit.
  • Cover your fruit bowl. Also raisins, dates and prunes are favorite attractants.
  • Discard all overripe fruit.
  • Wipe up crumbs and spills from your cabinets, counter and floor.
  • Clean under and around your dishwasher and stove.
  • Remove damp lint from the laundry room.


Once a structure is infected with fruit flies, all possible breeding areas must be located and eliminated. Breeding sites should be removed or cleaned, problem may still persist no matter how often insecticides are applied to control the adults. Some potential breeding sites which are inaccessible (e.g., garbage disposals and drains) can be inspected by taping a clear food storage bag over the opening overnight.

To explore more scientific information about this pest, please view here