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Pest Control in Coquitlam, Port Coquitlam, and Port Moody

Types of pests vary from place to place, and so having an awareness of what’s around in your local area is important. Calling on the help of an expert pest control service is good to do when you’ve discovered a pest infestation, or you want to put in those preventative measures that keep the pests at bay. Avon Pest Control has the experience that’s needed to sort out any problems, no matter how big or small.

What Pests Exist In These Cities

The Tri-cities consist of a suburban group that are Coquitlam, Port Coquitlam and Port Moody. With a population of around 230,000, there are many households that tend to suffer from pests. Some of the most common being rats, bed bugs and ants. exterminator vancouver bcWhether it’s a commercial building or domestic household, there is likely to be a lot of wildlife around these parts, due to being nearby leafy areas. So it’s important that these pests and wildlife are deterred in any way possible. Port Moody is said to be one of the worst-case areas when it comes to rats and mice, and vermin like these are not nice to have in any property.

Hornets can be a pain and can cause you discomfort if not treated by a professional. waspThese bee-eating hornets are quite popular around these parts too. Many in Tri-cities area also need wasp nest removal and wasp extermination.


Carpenter ants are a regular occurrence across British Columbia and in particular for these three cities. Even though they’re cities, that doesn’t mean there’s no greenery about. Carpenter ants get their name because they drill holes into the wood in order to nest. Therefore, any wooded areas in your home can become their home if you’re not careful.   Ant control in Coquitlam area also includes fire ants, pavement ants, and common household ants.


How To Prevent The Pests

Preventing pests is easier than actually having to get rid of them once they’ve invested. When dealing with hornets, do not approach them or try to disturb their nest. When they’re capable of eating bees, they’ll end up causing you a lot of pain if you try to attack their home. Seal off any parts of the home that may allow them to come in and try to keep all windows and doors shut to keep them out also. With rats in Port Moody, it’s important to be careful with how you’re storing your food. Making sure it’s in sealed containers and sealing entry points around the home is important too.

The last thing you want to do when dealing with pests is to kill them in an inhumane manner. It’s always a wise idea to call a professional. Always be aware of what you’re laying down, even if you feel it is harmless. You may have pets or children who are running around the home, as well as other wildlife outside who may come into contact with any traps, bait or poison you’ve placed down. If you’re renting, it’s always wise to speak to your landlord to discuss further action, as they become responsible. As a homeowner, you want to take care in making sure that you’re not encouraging these particular pests into your home by leaving food or water uncovered. Look at certain things that these rats, ants and hornets might be attracted to, and remove them from your home.

bed bug exterminator vancouverBed Bug Removal in Coquitlam and Tri cities is a common need.  Bed bugs can come from anywhere in your suitcase from your holidays, or in your car, or any warm dry place.  Bed bug extermination is our specialty that comes with guaranteed total extermination.

What To Do With A Pest Infestation

When you’re infested with pests, it’s really not a particularly enjoyable experience, and a lot of households end up living on tenterhooks. Whether you rent or own your home, if you ever feel like you’re in danger or you can’t wait any longer for your landlord to do something, call out an emergency pest control service. Avon Pest Control operates in all three of these areas and can help provide immediate assistance in bringing in the right tools and equipment for the job. Being able to remove or stop the problem from escalating any further is what a professional is used for, so don’t put it off any longer than you should.

Try to do damage control where possible, by removing anything or activating something that will stop it from getting any worse. You may want to continue cleaning down surfaces as you use them because pests do tend to carry a lot of germs and bacteria with them. Such areas like the kitchen and bathroom are worth sterilizing. Dealing with pests is not enjoyable but if you live in these areas, get clued up on the most common pests and how to keep them away from your home. The more you do to deter them, the less likely they’re doing to infiltrate the property. Put as many precautions in place as you can.

Call our expert Metro Vancouver exterminators for Tri Cities pest control needs at (604) 805-0278 – whether it’s for bed bug removal in Coqutilam, wasp and hornet control or rat removal in Port Moody, or commercial or residential pest control in Port Coquitlam.  We will ensure safe, pet-friendly and environmental friendly pest control measures and management.

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  • pest control coquitlam
  • pest control port moody
  • pest control tri-cities BC